Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Run a Euchre Tournament (7 Steps)

Choose a number of players. You will need a total number of participants that is divisible by four. If you are hosting the tournament in your home, choose a smaller number, such as 8 or 12. If you are hosting the event in a larger venue, you can increase the number of participants to 20 or more.
Advertise the event one week to one month prior to event. For small events, contact participants by phone, email, or mailed invitations. For large community-based events, post fliers around town or advertise on public access television or radio. Keep 'back-up' guests in mind in case you have an uneven number of replies for the event.
Gather all of the supplies. You will need small card tables and chairs for each foursome, a deck of cards for each table, a copy of the rules for each table, prizes and snacks and beverages.
VPS Hosting

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