Showing posts with label comprehensive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comprehensive. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Make Money Giving Parties at Home (5 Steps)

Start researching home party businesses by attending home parties and looking up party companies on websites such as the Home Party Plan Review. You will need to see what kinds of products are available to sell at home and which ones you would be interested in selling.
Examine the offerings of the companies that interest you to see what your initial investment would be. Find out what each home party company's start-up kit comes with, what kind of support it offers, what it charges for products, what kind of purchase discounts you get and what its return policy is. It is important to have a comprehensive understanding of how the home party company does business before you get involved.
Designate one of the rooms in your home to be your product party room. It should be one of your larger rooms with plenty of center floor space. Make sure your product party room has a television and DVD player in case the party company offers video demos that you can show to customers. Be sure your room is easy to walk around in, and is clean. You can add to the experience of your party guests by investing in some new curtains for your room and putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls.
Decide on a date for your first party and begin circulating informational fliers to your friends and family. Be sure to advertise the home party as a casual event. Most people are familiar with home product parties and may come out of curiosity. It would help to schedule your first party close to a holiday such as Christmas when people may need quick and easy solutions to their gift-buying needs.
Create a feedback form for your party and ask each attendee to fill it out anonymously. Include questions about the quality of the product, the quality of your party room and how interesting your presentation was. Make adjustments to your next party based on the feedback you receive.
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Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Find Company Websites (7 Steps)

Type a company name in a search engine if the name is known. Use additional extensions like .info and .us if .com does not bring up a site. Scan the results and click on the link bringing up the company website. Log on to an Internet directory such as and type in the company name to bring up the site. Write the company’s partial or full address in a search engine to bring up the site. Use a directory or search engine dedicated to a particular city such as
Log on to a comprehensive business directory like or Hoovers. Enter the business name provided in the search box. Scroll down the page on to locate the title “Find U.S. Companies by Category” or use the link immediately below to find companies by location.
Type the name of a city and industry in a search engine or online directory if the name of the business isn’t known: “tool-and-die makers, city, state” or “restaurant, city, state.” Click on a company website that shows up in the results, or enter the name of the company in the search engine or online directory.' data-modal-content='keyboard close up image by TekinT from <a href=''></a>'>
Enter the name of an association in a search engine such as “professional employer organization,” then scan the roster of members to find the business name and company website.
Log on to and enter the name of a company or put out a request asking for a particular website. Ask friends on line and in person for referrals on a specific type of company if the name and website are not known.
Visit the business reference section at the local library. Use a comprehensive directory like Harris Information directories. Search through industry listings, find the name of a company, and the website in the contact information. Read through Thomas Register and the listing of companies.
Ask through local business networking groups or the local chamber of commerce for names of specific companies and the website url; or ask for specific industry referrals.
VPS Hosting

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Set Up a Wiki Site

Set up an account with a wiki-compatible Web host. Not all site hosting accounts are capable of running wiki technology. The server must support Apache, PHP 5+ and MySQL 4+ in order to set up a wiki site. While such hosts are typically pricier than standard hosting, budget hosts such as Fat Cow and Blue Host (see Resources) offer discount hosting that meets the technical requirements of most wiki software.
Download free or paid wiki software. While various companies offer wiki software for personal and public use, WikiMedia's free software (see Resources) is one of the most widely used and has the most comprehensive features because it was originally developed to operate sites such as Wikipedia.
Double-click the file you downloaded in Step 2 to decompress the installation package. A new folder will appear containing all of the wiki software's installation files.
Launch your FTP software and connect to your personal server. Your login information is typically your domain name and the password you chose when registering a hosting account. If you can't remember your login details, refer to the registration documents provided to you when you set up your account with a Web host.
Upload the decompressed installation folder from Step 3 to your hosting server by dragging the folder to your FTP software window. Wait for the FTP program to complete the transfer. Depending on your Internet connection, this may take several minutes.
Open your Web browser. Navigate to the following address: Replace '' with the domain name you registered in Step 1. WikiMedia's installation page will appear.
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the wiki site setup. You will need to provide specific configuration options, such as the name you wish to use for your wiki and the name of your MySQL database (provided by your Web host).
Click the 'Install MediaWiki' button at the bottom of the page. Your wiki site is now set up and you may begin editing or creating pages from within the wiki interface.
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