Showing posts with label embed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embed. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2015

How to Remove Titles in a Vimeo Embed (4 Steps)

Click the 'Embed' button on the player on your video's Vimeo page.
Click the blue 'Customize embed options' link when the 'Embed this video' dialog box appears.
Go to the 'Intro' section. Uncheck the boxes for 'portrait' (your Vimeo profile picture), 'title' (the title of the video), and 'byline' (your name or your Vimeo user name) to customize titles as needed.
New embed code will appear in the box at the top of the window, based on your customizations. Copy the new code and paste it the appropriate sections on the website where you want to embed the video.
VPS Hosting

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Stream a WAV (6 Steps)

Upload the WAV file to your own server. Although you might want to stream a file that already exists online somewhere, doing so could cause the person hosting the file to lose “bandwidth” (the amount of data the hosting provider allows him to use each month) every time someone plays it. Login to your 'File Manager' and upload the file. Double click on the name of your file within the 'File Manager' to open it in a new tab or window.
Add an 'embed' code to the HTML of the webpage on which you wish to stream your WAV file. Hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'C' keys at the same time and copy the following code onto your computer's clipboard by highlighting it.
Paste the embed code into the HTML file for the page on which you plan to stream your wave. Double click on the file name—'index.html,' for example—in your 'File Manager' to open the HTML editor. Click your mouse wherever in the page—under the main 'Header' but before the 'Links' section, for example—and hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'V' keys at the same time to paste the embed code into the file.
Paste your WAV file's URL into the embed code. Navigate back to the tab where you opened your WAV file and click your mouse inside your browser's 'Address Bar.' Hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'C' keys at the same time to copy the file's URL and then tab back to your HTML file. Highlight the text file.wav and hold down the 'Ctrl' and 'V' keys at the same time to replace it with your file's URL.
Set whether or not you'd like your streaming WAV file to play automatically by adjusting the value after
'Autostart.' By default, the code you've inserted will begin playing the file as soon as someone visits your webpage. Replace 'true' with 'false' (all lowercase in any instance) to change this.
Save your HTML file and visit your webpage to listen to your streaming WAV file.
VPS Hosting