Showing posts with label attending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attending. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Write a Thank You Note to a Host or Hostess

Hand write the note on nice stationery or a blank card. This makes the note more personal and meaningful.
Write the note within a week or two of attending the dinner. This time line will help you remember details to write about and shows that you enjoyed the event so much that you had to say thank you right away.
Start with a sentence saying what a great time you had. For example, you can say 'I had such a great time at dinner last Saturday that I wanted to thank you.'
Write at least two sentences about the event that made it special. Say how you still laugh about something that happened, or mention the amazing decorating that gave the event such a special touch.
End the note by reiterating how much you appreciate being included. If you want, mention that you will be reciprocating soon and are looking forward to another dinner or event with the host.
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