Showing posts with label browsers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label browsers. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Remove Logos in an Address Bar (4 Steps)

Log into your website using the details given to you by your hosting company. By default, you should be logged into the root, or main, folder of the your site.
Look for file called 'favicon.ico' residing in the root folder. This is the icon that browsers need, and its very existence allows it to be displayed in the address bar.
Delete the 'favicon.ico' to stop browsers from displaying it in the address bar.
Replace the favicon with one of your own. Since browsers will still look for the nonexistent favicon, you will notice error logs in your sites usage statistics. Visitors to your site will not see an error, but the absence of a favicon will make the error logs longer and put a small amount of additional strain on the server. If this does not concern you, then you are already done. If you don't want to have logged errors, replace the favicon with one of your own, which can contain an image or simply be blank. You can simply download a blank favicon online (see Resources) and upload into the root folder of your websites, or you can create your own in Paint by making a 16- by 16-pixel image and saving it as 'favicon.ico.'
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