Showing posts with label cases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cases. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Create a DNS Website Redirect (6 Steps)

Log in to your domain registrar account. This is the site where you registered your domain name. It may be the same site as your hosting company, or it may be separate.
Find your domain information. Usually, you should see account details with your individual domains listed.
Locate your DNS information. Not every registrar makes this available. However, in most cases you should be able to find it listed in your domain account. In some cases, DNS may be referred to as 'nameservers.'
Change the DNS information to match the destination IP address. This will instruct any browsers trying to access your current site to visit your preferred address instead. If this functionality isn't available, you may need to search for a CNAME (Canonical Name) option. This will allow you to change the destination web address.
Save your changes. It may take a few hours before the changes register online though it can occasionally take as much as 48 hours.
Test your site to make sure that it is redirecting successfully. If you're having problems with the redirect, you may need to contact your hosting company or domain name registrar.
VPS Hosting

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Create a Web Alias in DNS (5 Steps)

Contact your registrar (company you purchased your domain name from). If you don't know who your registrar is you can run a whois search at any major registrar. Some of the major registrars are,, and
Ask the support representative to create a CNAME. Provide them the name of the alias and the host it points to (destination). In some cases the registrar will direct you to their DNS control panel and provide you with a user name and password.
Log in to the control panel and add a new CNAME. It displays two fields the 'name' and the 'host'. In the name field enter the name of the alias you want to use. For example if you designated as the address enter ehow into the field.
In the host field enter the destination. For example my destination for is so I will enter into the field.
After the CNAME has been created please allow up to 24 hours for DNS servers to see the new information that has been created in your zone file.
VPS Hosting