Showing posts with label installed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label installed. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Protect a Website From Malware (10 Steps)

Change the main website password (also known as the web hosting plan password) once a month. Use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols to form a secure password that is hard to guess or crack through hacking programs. For example, the password 'N3409Fn29aa' is harder to guess than 'sunshine29,'
Log in to each PHP script installed and in use (guestbook, blog, mailing list) and change their administrator passwords. Form difficult administrator password for each script that you're using on the website.
Update all scripts that are in use and are planned to be parts of the website in the future. Upgrade to latest available and stable versions by downloading them from the developers' websites. Update any security patches available through the developer. Outdated PHP scripts have insecure coding and are often hacked and injected with malware code.
Remove any scripts that are outdated and no longer in use. Delete the files off the web server or follow uninstall directions if available through your website's control panel.
Disable global directives and variables (which can be used to gain access to administrator panels and inject malware code) from your web hosting account. Alter the '.htaccess' file to secure the website and protect it from this common malice.
VPS Hosting

How to Play 'Age of Empires' Over Garena (7 Steps)

Load the Garena client.
Select 'Settings' in the upper right hand section of the screen.
Click 'Game Settings.'
Click 'Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome' or 'Age of Empires II: The Conquerors,' whichever one is installed on your computer.
Click 'Browse' under 'Executable Settings.'
Locate the .exe file that loads the game. Typically this will be in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires.
Find a room that has an open slot for an 'Age of Empires' game or click 'Host Game.' The game will boot up automatically.
VPS Hosting

Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Edit Wordpress Themes

If you host your own Blog then you will have complete access to edit and customize your Wordpress Themes. However, if you have a free blog application through then you will have limited blog editing capability. is for self hosted users which means that you pay for your own blog domain name and hosting. The benefit to setting up your own self hosted blog is that you have complete control of how your blog looks. users can only choose their blog theme, they can't customize them.
To customize your blogging application you will want to log in to your blog admin panel by going to - use the user name and password you setup when you first installed your blog and login to the admin area. Once inside the admin section of the blog you will want to go to the Appearance tab on the left hand side of the page on click on Appearance to drop down the options unless it is already opened then you just want to click on Editor.
From the Editor page you have the ability to edit any Wordpress themes you have uploaded to your server. On the right side of the page are different pages that you can customize or modify to meet your blogging needs. The most common files you can edit are the style sheet, header, footer, main index or home, archives, search, comments, pages, single page, theme functions, and sidebar.
If you want to change the color of your blog or alter images then you will want to do so using the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Most of the other files are a combination of advanced HTML and PHP so you will have to know how to read some code before attempting to edit a Wordpress theme. This is where you can change how your blog looks and decide what type of layout you would like to have. Once you learn what you would like to add or subtract from your WP blog you will most likely use this editing section to create a custom design that will set your blog apart from other bloggers.
VPS Hosting

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Upload to FTP Sites (6 Steps)

Locate the required FTP log in information. This information is available from the web hosting company that hosts the website and includes the username, password, host/address, and port for the FTP site.
Open the FTP client software program on the local computer. Dozens of freeware programs exist and may be downloaded and installed in minutes (see Resources).
Create a new FTP site profile in the FTP client program. This option is usually found under the 'File' menu and is labeled 'Site Manager' or 'Remote Browser' in most cases.
Add the FTP site information to the new website profile and save the changes. Enter the information obtained from the hosting company in the appropriate text fields.
Press the connect button to open the FTP connection between the local computer and the web server.
Select the files on the local computer and drag them to the target folder on the web server to initiate the upload process.
VPS Hosting

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Set Up a Filezilla FTP Server (5 Steps)

Download the Filezilla server application. While you may also want to download the client software, you will need the hosting software to set up your FTP server. A link to the download page can be found in the Resources section.
Run the Filezilla setup utility, FileZilla_Server-0_9_31.exe. You will have to agree to the license agreement before you can begin installation.
Select the standard installation type, and choose the folder you would like Filezilla to be installed to. You will next have to choose between automatically starting the program with Windows, or starting it manually. Starting the program with Windows is the recommended setting, and is marked as the default.
Set your start-up preferences for the server interface. By default, the server interface will start as soon as you log in. Press the 'Install' button, and click 'Close' when the installation has completed.
Run the Filezilla Server Interface. It will ask for your Port, which should by default be set to 14147, and the server address. Setting the server address to '' will direct the computer to connect to itself. This will make the computer you are currently using the FTP server. Tick off the 'Always connect to this server' box, and click 'OK' to connect.
VPS Hosting

How to configure IIS to use specific ports for Passive FTP

Login to the machine using remote desktop.
Go to the Inetpub\AdminScripts directory. This is typically on the same drive you installed windows, so c:\Inetpub\AdminScripts
Run the command
adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange 'xxxx-yyyy'And replace xxxx with the starting port and yyyy with the ending port range.
VPS Hosting

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Move CMS Made Simple to a New Server (7 Steps)

Open a browser window, navigate to the Admin Console of your CMS Made Simple website and log in with an Administrator password. The path to your Admin console is “,” where “yourwebsite” is the domain name of your site and “cms_location” is the directory where CMS Made Simple is installed. For example, if your website is and CMS Made Simple is installed in a directory called “simple,” you would type “” to open the Admin console.
Click “Site Admin,” “Global Settings,” “Clear Cache” and “OK.”
Navigate to your Web-hosting management console and download your CMS Made Simple database. If you use cPanel or DirectAdmin, click 'phpMyAdmin' in the Databases panel, log in to the database, if necessary, and click “Export.” Click the “Quick” export method, click “SQL” from the 'Format' drop-down menu and click “Go.” Save the SQL file on your desktop.
Open an FTP client like Filezilla, log in to your Web server and download the directory that contains the CMS Made Simple files. Save the files in a directory on your computer.
Log in to your new Web server with your FTP client and upload the saved Content Made Simple directory on your computer. Ensure that the “tmp,” “uploads” and “modules” directories and subdirectories are writeable.
Log in to the Web-hosting management console on your new server, open 'phpMyAdmin' and click “Import.” Click “Browse” and navigate to the saved SQL file on your computer. Click “SQL” from the 'Format' drop-down menu and click “Go.”
Log in to your new CMS Made Simple site and ensure that all files have been moved and that your data is intact.
VPS Hosting

How to Disable FTP Access to a CPanel Account

Log in to your cPanel. The address of this will depend on where you installed it to. If you have multiple users for the account, log in to one that grants administrative access.
Click the 'FTP Daemon' button in cPanel.
Click 'Disabled' under the list of options.
Click 'Save.' This disables FTP access to cPanel and the control server.
VPS Hosting

How to Install IIS Admin Service (8 Steps)

Click the 'Start' button and select 'Settings.'
Double click the 'Control Panel' icon.
Double click the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon. This opens a window that lists the currently installed software.
Click 'Add/Remove Windows Components.' This opens a screen with all the current internal operating system software.
Click 'Internet Information Services.' This opens the installation wizard.
Click the 'Next' button. The installation begins. It should take only take a few minutes to install IIS.
Click the 'Finish' button. This closes the wizard window.
Click the 'OK' button. This closes the 'Add/Remove Programs' window.
VPS Hosting