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Showing posts with label increase. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Organize a Craft Show for Fundraising (6 Steps)

Scout out a location and decide on a time. Research churches, community centers and schools. If you are expecting a large turnout, consider renting out a local fairground. The location should be able to hold all the vendors and buyers comfortably without overcrowding. Make sure there is also ample parking. Keep in mind that you might be more successful if you plan your show before a major gift-giving holiday.
Create a vendor application. Ask the vendors to note what items they will be selling. List the fees and how much space the vendors will be able to use. Consider allowing people to sell food to increase the amount of money you will raise. Allow community organizations to attend to let people know about other various events in your area.
Decide on a theme for your fair. If you are planning a more upscale atmosphere, allow only fine arts, such as tasteful photography and paintings. You can also choose a homemade craft fair where vendors must sell original creations such as soap, pottery or candles.
Start talking about your craft fair. Word of mouth spreads, so place an ad in your local newspaper. Provide contact information where vendors can get in touch with you. Approach local craft stores and invite them to participate. Make sure you mention the date and time of the fair, as well as the application and fees.
Advertise. Print and distribute fliers to post in libraries, coffee shops or other stores. If you are educated about website design, create a site with information and directions. Your local television station may also list activities on its site.
Send a letter to the vendors. Confirm the date and time. Instruct vendors where to go when they arrive and remind them of the size of their stand. On the day of the fair, enlist the help of a friend or family member to help direct the vendors and assist them in setting up.
VPS Hosting

Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Run a Euchre Tournament (7 Steps)

Choose a number of players. You will need a total number of participants that is divisible by four. If you are hosting the tournament in your home, choose a smaller number, such as 8 or 12. If you are hosting the event in a larger venue, you can increase the number of participants to 20 or more.
Advertise the event one week to one month prior to event. For small events, contact participants by phone, email, or mailed invitations. For large community-based events, post fliers around town or advertise on public access television or radio. Keep 'back-up' guests in mind in case you have an uneven number of replies for the event.
Gather all of the supplies. You will need small card tables and chairs for each foursome, a deck of cards for each table, a copy of the rules for each table, prizes and snacks and beverages.
VPS Hosting