Showing posts with label offering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label offering. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Choose Adult Website Hosting

Search the internet for the best adult website hosting, and sift through the results. This is the fastest, easiest way to find websites.
Consider's Adult Web Hosting section (link and subsequent links to sites in resources below),'s Web Hosting category, and's Adult Hosting section.
Compare sites offering adult website hosting. After you've found a potential web host, look into them further by searching the internet for their name followed by the word 'review' or phrase 'customer review' to bring up some independent reviews of that web host. Compare several reviews to level out any biases and get a more complete picture of the host.
Decide on what features you want. Things to consider include server uptime, whether or not server-side scripts are allowed, how much server space you get, the maximum bandwidth you're allowed to use, and the number of email accounts you need.
Get good customer service. The best adult website hosting will not only have good email support, but excellent phone support as well. Test how good their customer support really is by emailing your potential adult web host and calling them with any questions you have about their service. Take note of the how quickly you get an answer, and whether or not the answer meets your standards.
Choose the best-length plan. Adult web hosting plans can range from lasting only one month to as long as several years. Get the best deal by doing your research well and buying a longer plan. If you've done the research but still aren't decided, go with a shorter plan first, and then switch to a longer plan if you like what you're getting. The more research you do, the better the chance there is of you finding the best adult website hosting.
VPS Hosting

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Create a Logo Contest

Write a list of elements required for the logo design, including company name, size, colors, use, and target audience.
Decide where to host the logo contest. Choose a personal or organizational website if self-hosting. Contact a web designer to create a logo-contest page if one is not available.
Determine the prize and its value for the contest winner. Consider charging a nominal entry fee, especially if offering a winning prize, such as a trip or a car.
Write the official contest rules. Review rules of other logo contests to determine what rules are typical. Write the rules on entry fees, prizes, number of entries per person permitted, maximum file size, file formats accepted, submission deadline, contest judges and when winners will be announced. Include the terms on payment delivery and ownership or publication rights.
Ask a webmaster to post the logo-design contest on the host website. Develop an online contact form to accept submissions. Indicate on the form the maximum file size and formats accepted. Disable the contest submission form at the end of the contest.
Submit your contest page to the top search engines. Promote your contest using the social medias, reciprocal links, blog posts, PPC marketing (pay-per-click), email campaigns, and word-of-mouth. (see Tips).
Review all logo submissions. Publish the winning and runner-up logo designs online if included in the terms of the contest. Send out winning notifications.
VPS Hosting