Showing posts with label official. Show all posts
Showing posts with label official. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Become a 'Tastefully Simple' Consultant

Understand that a Tastefully Simple consultant sells food products by placing orders for her customers. Once the orders arrive individually bagged for the customer, the Tastefully Simple consultant delivers the merchandise. The consultant can create and maintain a customer base through reorders.
Look at the official Tastefully Simple website for information about the company and how to grow your own Tastefully Simple sales business.
Talk with a Tastefully Simple consultant in your area about her personal experience being a consultant and how she started in the business. Ask for tips to help get your business up and running.
Choose a Tastefully Simple sponsor from your area. Go to the Tastefully Simple website and click the tab 'Become a Consultant.' You must choose a sponsor from your area; there are three methods to search for a sponsor. The sponsor guides you as you start out as a Tastefully Simple consultant.
Fill out the online form after you select a sponsor. Once you've been contacted by Tastefully Simple (usually the same day you fill out the form), purchase a kit to start your business. The kit contains all of the items you'll need for your first four home tasting parties.
Host your first party. Invite friends and family who you are comfortable speaking in front of to practice. Use this time to familiarize yourself with the products and create a sales pitch.
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Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Create a Logo Contest

Write a list of elements required for the logo design, including company name, size, colors, use, and target audience.
Decide where to host the logo contest. Choose a personal or organizational website if self-hosting. Contact a web designer to create a logo-contest page if one is not available.
Determine the prize and its value for the contest winner. Consider charging a nominal entry fee, especially if offering a winning prize, such as a trip or a car.
Write the official contest rules. Review rules of other logo contests to determine what rules are typical. Write the rules on entry fees, prizes, number of entries per person permitted, maximum file size, file formats accepted, submission deadline, contest judges and when winners will be announced. Include the terms on payment delivery and ownership or publication rights.
Ask a webmaster to post the logo-design contest on the host website. Develop an online contact form to accept submissions. Indicate on the form the maximum file size and formats accepted. Disable the contest submission form at the end of the contest.
Submit your contest page to the top search engines. Promote your contest using the social medias, reciprocal links, blog posts, PPC marketing (pay-per-click), email campaigns, and word-of-mouth. (see Tips).
Review all logo submissions. Publish the winning and runner-up logo designs online if included in the terms of the contest. Send out winning notifications.
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