Sunday, August 30, 2015

How to Set up a Business Server (5 Steps)

Install a Network Operating System (NOS). This can be Linux, MS 2000/2003 Server, etc. Approaching your business server hosting this way allows you to tailor settings to your business needs. You'll pay less and have more control over downtime and bandwidth usage. Bandwidth stays uninterrupted because it's a dedicated line and there's no question of your website being slowed down due to other websites receiving more traffic.
Install any necessary servers on the NOS, like email servers, domain servers, web server, database servers, etc. Recently, Microsoft developed two server solutions, Small Business Server 2008 and Windows Essential Business Server 2008. These are bundles and may be more efficient for your business server set up.
Install any web-based applications needed to run your website. Set up any other services you wish to run on your business server.
Create any network drives for your employees to be able to share files and keep files on the server. For an intranet, passwords and other security policies need to be applied.
Specifications for servers are equally important. To have a stable and reliable business server, it is always recommended to schedule regular backups of what is on your business server.
VPS Hosting

How to Start an E Business

Create a name for the business. This involves coming up with a name that is easy to remember, and also catchy enough to stay right on the tip of consumers' tongues. Search the names of your competition to give you ideas, and then write a list of possible names for your business. Use a process of elimination to decide which name suits your business best.
Build a website by finding a hosting company that specializes in eBusiness websites. The top three eBusiness Web hosting companies are JustHost, HostMonster, and BlueHost (as listed on the 'Top 10 Web Hosting' website, a site that compares Web hosting companies). Consider a hosting company that will register your domain name for you. You can also register the domain name on your own using Network Solutions or Dotster.
Launch the website by submitting the URL to Yahoo, MSN, or Google, for example. Each search engine will ask for a list of keywords to describe your business. This is done to allow the search engine to rank your website among other similar websites. The process of coming up with really good keywords is known as search engine optimization (SEO). Put thought into the keywords you choose. Try to put yourself in the position as the consumer, and ask what terms you would type in to find your product. Search engines put a lot of weight into keywords when determining how a website is ranked. Don't leave this step to chance. Give it some real thought.
Market the website. This can be done through a number of ways. Article marketing allows you to post articles about your product niche in free article directories such as Ezine Articles or Article Street. In turn, people who read your articles on these sites have a chance to come visit the website, and hopefully buy a product or two. Post a press release online in which you can announce the start of your eBusiness, telling potential customers what you are selling and how the product can be beneficial. Hand out business cards every chance you get (think of friends, family, and people who would benefit from your product). Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth as a source for marketing. Show pride in your business to make people want to find out more about your product. Advertise in newspapers as well. Remember that an eBusiness has the potential to reach customers around the globe, so advertising on websites that complement your product may be a good idea as well.
Keep the website updated and maintained. Do something to the site at least once a week. No one wants to buy products from a stale online store. Customers want to know that you are an expert in your product line, so offer free How-To guides and blogs, as well as other content that requires continuous updates. Visitors like interaction as well. Place a poll or survey link that is centered around your product line. Anything that keeps potential customers coming back is good.
VPS Hosting

How to Host a Euchre Party

Plan on 12 total people to play in the euchre party. They must all be present for this type of tournament to work.
Set up the card tables and chairs so there is enough room for everyone to sit comfortably. Place a deck of euchre cards on each table.
Hand everyone a scoring notepad once they pay their fee to play, if you are playing for money and not just bragging rights. A typical euchre party buy-in is $10 per person. This is the money that will be used for prize money. It equals $120 and you can divide that up into prizes however you see fit. Usually that is $70 for first place, $30 for second and $20 for third.
Explain that you will be following the regular euchre rules of play, with one exception. Each table will have total of 12 rounds dealt, with each player dealing three times. At the end of the 12 rounds, each player will record his score -- how many tricks his team has taken -- on the notepad.
At the end of the first game, have your guests switch partners with the people at their table. Play again as stated, recording the scores as before. Continue to play, record and switch until every player has been a partner with every attendee. Have each player then add his or her scores up on the notepad and determine a first, second and third place winner.
VPS Hosting

How to Plan a Christian Youth Conference (8 Steps)

Determine the budget for your Christian Youth Conference. Look at the money you have in order to determine how much you can afford to spend on the conference. Raise any additional funds ahead of planning your budget so that you are not spending any money that you do not have in hand.
Decide on the date and location for the Christian youth conference. Consider planning it for a long weekend when the kids have some time off of school. Look for locations that are within your budget. If you are short on money, you may need to hold it at your church. If you have money to spend, you might investigate booking a hotel or conference center.
Pick a theme for your Christian youth conference. You might coordinate it with a series of sermons covering love, forgiveness, healing or another such topic. Themes such as relationships, peer pressure, sex and substance abuse are also relevant topics for teenagers, provided that they are approached within the context of God's Word. Attending college and excelling in school can be ideal themes for youth conferences intended to build up and encourage the youth.
Plan the food for the conference, deciding on whether you will have the conference catered or ask participants to bring their own food.
Decide on the activities for the youth conference, guest speakers and being sure to allow for large group and small group time. A large-group speaker event might be followed by smaller breakout sessions to allow for processing. Time for recreation should also be included. Consider showing movies relevant to the conference theme, giving the kids time for physical activity or hosting a pizza party.
Print fliers advertising the upcoming Christian Youth Conference and display them in prominent places within your church and community. Include information on the conference in the church bulletin, mention it in youth Sunday school and Bible study classes and call the teenagers in the church to personally invite them.
Collect any registration fees or donations as applicable and purchase any materials needed for the conference. Store everything in labeled boxes so that it is ready to go when the time comes.
Create lists of duties for all involved in facilitating the youth conference so that everyone knows what his or her responsibilities are. Pray together in advance of the event, asking God to direct the activities of the weekend and show you how to best lead the youth.
VPS Hosting

How to Make a Proxy Website (6 Steps)

Open an account at a web host that allows proxy websites. Many hosting companies do not allow proxies because they can generate a large amount of traffic that overloads the servers. Those that do allow proxy websites will typically prefer that you have a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server. Most hosts do not allow web proxies on a shared server.
Obtain a copy of PHProxy. This script acts as the software to power your proxy site. PHProxy is available free of charge, so anyone can make a proxy website without spending a lot of money.
Log into the control panel for your web hosting account. Create a MySQL database that will be used by the PHProxy script. Make note of the database name, user name and password that is associated with the database. This information is needed to configure the script to communicate with the database.
Edit the config.php file that is included with the script. Open the file with a HTML editor so that you can edit the contents of the file and save the new copy. Use Windows Notepad if you do not have a HTML editor. Simply open the file, edit the website name, website address, database name, database user name and database password. Save the file after the information has been edited.
Use an FTP program to upload all of the files to your hosting account. You can download a free copy of Filezilla FTP if you do not already have a program. Simply upload all of the files and folders included with PHProxy to your web hosting account. Your proxy website should now be operational.
Read the documentation that is included with PHProxy. Follow the instructions in the documentation to customize your script, such as changing colors, page layout or other visual elements. This will help you make a FTP website that stands out.
VPS Hosting

How to Manage My Google Domain (6 Steps)

Sign up for a Google Apps account by clicking on the link in Resources, then click 'Get Started.' Enter your domain, or choose to purchase a new one. Follow the signup process through creating a username, setting a password, entering contact information and accepting the terms and conditions.
Activate your account by verifying domain ownership. Log in with your new account, and click 'Activate Google Apps' in your control panel. Choose between creating a CNAME record and uploading an HTML file, and follow the instructions. Once you have completed the process, click 'Verify' on the control panel to finish activation.
Create user accounts for each employee or email address you wish to set up by logging in to your control panel and selecting the 'Users and Groups' tab. Click 'Create New Users,' and enter the required information. Multiple users can be added at once by uploading a CSV file.
Update your MX records to direct your Email traffic to the Google servers. The process to update DNS records varies based on your host; log in to your hosting service or domain name provider, and search for DNS settings. Set your MX record to 'ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM' with a priority of '1.'
Set up custom URLs for each of the Google Apps by entering CNAME records for each service. To set up a custom URL for Email, click on 'Email' on the control panel. Click 'Change URL' in the 'Web Address' section at the top of the page. Enter your desired Web address, and click 'Continue.' Create a CNAME record for this new address by editing the DNS settings the same way you changed the MX record. Repeat this process for the remaining services.
Configure additional settings using your control panel. Easily enable or disable and change preferences to features including Calendars, Contacts, Docs and Sites.
VPS Hosting

How to Throw a Wild Party

Choose the time. Night parties tend to have more pizazz, so choose a time after sundown for your bash. Also, select a weekend day because people will be reluctant to stay late and party hard if they have to get up and go to work the next day.
Select the locale. If planning on hosting the party at your home, make it a backyard or nighttime pool party, with limited access to the inside of your home. This will prevent drinks from getting spilled on your furniture and vases and other fragile items from accidentally being broken. Think about whether your neighbors are far enough from you that loud music and lots of people talking will disturb them. If this is the case, choose a location other than your place for the party.
Pick a theme. While you certainly don't need to have a fully themed party, all your decorations should follow one central idea. White parties, night pool parties, Mexican fiesta and Hawaiian bikini parties will all create a sizzling atmosphere. Buy the decorations for your party in accordance with your chosen theme or idea.
Book the entertainment. While creating a playlist to get your guests moving is easy to do, getting a local rock band to do a set at your party will really get people pumped. You may find a local band that will play for free for the practice and exposure; others may play for small fees. Renting a DJ for the night is another option.
Create the menu and a shopping list for hors d'oeuvres. Be prepared to provide your attendees with enough drinks to last the entire night. Buy nonalcoholic drinks as well for those who will be designated drivers and anyone under the age of 21 who will be attending your party.
Create a guest list and send out the invitations. While traditional invitations may be pretty, they tend to convey a formal tone. You want people to know that this is the kind of party where they can break loose. Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to get the word out. The website Rattlebox has amusing video and music invitations you can send for free.
VPS Hosting