Showing posts with label section. Show all posts
Showing posts with label section. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Use a GoDaddy Form Mailer (6 Steps)

Set the e-mail address for the GoDaddy form mailer within your account. Log into your Account Manager. Under “Products” and click “Web Hosting.” Click “Launch” beside the hosting account you wish to use for your form mailer.
Click “Form Mail” under the “Content” section. Enter the e-mail address where you want submitted forms to be sent under “Forms Email Address.” Click “Continue” and “Update” to verify the e-mail address.
In your HTML file where you want the form to appear, enter this code:<form action='/gdform.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='subject' value='New E-Mail Subscriber' />
<input type='hidden' name='redirect' value='" />
<p>First Name:<input type='text' name='FirstName' /></p>
<p>Last Name:<input type='text' name='LastName' /></p>
<p>E-Mail:<input type='text' name='email' /></p>
<p>Your Message:<textarea name='comments' cols='50' rows='20'>
Tell us what you think of our new website!</textarea></p>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'/>
</form>You can edit this code to suit your needs. The above items are examples, including the subject, redirection page, first name, last name, e-mail and message.
Save your HTML file with the new code.
Upload the HTML file to your server using your preferred FTP client, just as you did with your initial website files.
Visit your website to see the new form. Test the form by filling in all of the fields and using a different e-mail address than the one you entered in Step 2. Once you submit the form, you should receive an e-mail to the e-mail address you entered in Step 2 with the submitted information.
VPS Hosting

Sunday, August 30, 2015

How to Remove Titles in a Vimeo Embed (4 Steps)

Click the 'Embed' button on the player on your video's Vimeo page.
Click the blue 'Customize embed options' link when the 'Embed this video' dialog box appears.
Go to the 'Intro' section. Uncheck the boxes for 'portrait' (your Vimeo profile picture), 'title' (the title of the video), and 'byline' (your name or your Vimeo user name) to customize titles as needed.
New embed code will appear in the box at the top of the window, based on your customizations. Copy the new code and paste it the appropriate sections on the website where you want to embed the video.
VPS Hosting

How to Change the Main Index Page on GoDaddy

Visit the GoDaddy and log into the 'Account Manager.' Enter your 'Login Name' and 'Password' into the relevant text fields and click on the 'Secure Login' button.
Click on the 'Web Hosting' option in the 'Products' section.
Click on the 'Launch' option in your Web hosting account.
Click on the 'File Manager' option, which is located in the Content section. This will automatically open the file manager in the root directory of the Web hosting account. Typically, this is the location in which your index file will be located.
Click on the 'Upload' option in the menu bar and then the 'Browse' option to select the index file to upload your index file. The file will be labelled 'index' and will have one of the following file extensions: htm, html, php, asp or aspx; for example, the file might be 'index.html.' Finally, click on the 'Upload' button to confirm the upload of this file.
VPS Hosting

Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to Set Up Google Apps on Bluehost

Launch your Web browser, and go to the Google Apps homepage. Click the blue 'Get Started' button.
Click the radio button beside 'Administrator' under 'I Want to Use an Existing Domain' to select and enable this option.
Type the Bluehost website domain name that you want to set up with Google Apps into the input field. Enter just the top-level domain name, which is the part of the domain without the 'http://www.' prefix. Click the 'Get Started' button.
Enter your name, email address and contact information into the input fields in the 'Account Administrator' section.
Click the check box beside 'Google Apps Requires Changes to DNS to Properly Setup Service' to confirm that you understand that Google Apps will change the settings of your Bluehost Domain Name System servers. Click the 'Continue' button.
Type your preferred username and password into the relevant input fields in the 'Your Administrator Account' section. Read the Google Apps terms and conditions at the bottom of the page. If you agree to the terms and want to continue, click the 'I Accept. Continue With Setup' button. This opens your Google Apps dashboard.
Click the 'Activate Email' link in the Email section. This opens the 'Setup Email Delivery' page.
Click the 'Verify Domain Ownership' link. Choose 'Upload an HTML File' from the verification options drop-down list. Create an HTML file in the usual way with your Web design software, text editor or HTML editor. Name the HTML file with the verification name assigned by Google. Copy the Google verification code and paste it into the HTML document. Upload the HTML file to the root folder of the relevant website domain through the Bluehost online content management system control panel.
Click the 'Verify' button. Google will verify the service and activate it within 48 hours. Once Google has activated your Google Apps account on Bluehost, access the Bluehost content management system control panel to set up email forwarding. Click 'Forwarders' in the 'Email' section on the control panel homepage. Add each email address that you want to forward to Google Apps. Select 'Google' from the mail server options, then click 'Add Forwarder.'
VPS Hosting

How to Make a Bulletin Board Website

Login to your account on your website hosting service provider's website. If you do not currently have a website hosting package, sign up for one. Various companies offer economical hosting plans for first-time website developers. North America's largest and most budget-friendly web host is 1and1. Another popular, albeit more expensive host, is Go Daddy (links in the Resources section).
Check that your web hosting package supports the MySQL Internet technology. If not, contact your service provider to upgrade your plan to a package that does support MySQL. All bulletin board software require MySQL databases to operate.
Click the MySQL control panel in your account webpage and create a new MySQL database. Most web hosts provide clear instructions and one-click database creation. If the process is unclear, consult your web host's FAQ or call its support team.
Download bulletin board software. There are various options available to website owners. The largest paid software is vBulletin, while phpBB offers similar features for free (links in the Resources section). Compare the technical features of both programs and select the bulletin board software that best fits your needs and budget. Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, the download process may take several minutes.
Double-click the file you downloaded to extract the contents of the bulletin board software. Click the file that is named 'README.' Follow the detailed instructions to install the bulletin board software on your website.
Upload the bulletin board folder to your web hosting account. Install the bulletin board directory in your home directory. Thus, the bulletin board will be the first page that visitors see when they visit your website domain.
Access the bulletin board's control panel using the administrator account you created during the installation process. Customize the board as you wish, then save all changes. The bulletin board software is now active on your website. Visitors to your page will be able to create a new account, post messages and reply to messages.
VPS Hosting

Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Download MP3 Google (3 Steps)

Open a Web browser and navigate to the Google directory, MP3 download section.
Right-click on a link on the directory page, and select “Open Link in New Tab.” The page for the site will open in a new browser tab, but will keep the directory page in the contents of the first tab for easy reference.
Click the new tab and explore the site. Download free MP3s and listen to streaming music.
VPS Hosting

How to Restore SQL Backup (5 Steps)

Log in to your web hosting CPanel or equivalent. This will vary depending on your host. A common example is If you do not have these details, you will need to contact your web hosting provider.
On your hosting CPanel, find the section labeled 'Databases.' Click the icon marked 'phpMyAdmin.'
Select the name of the database you wish to restore from the list of databases on the left side of the phpMyAdmin screen. In this example, the database is named '_test.'
Select the option marked 'Import' that is above the details of your database.
On the import page, press the 'Browse' button, and locate the SQL backup file from which you will be restoring. Compression will be automatically detected. Once the backup file is selected, press 'Go.' The backup may take some time to import successfully.
VPS Hosting

How to Point a Domain Hosted Elsewhere to GoDaddy Hosting

Find your GoDaddy name server. Visit the link in Resources and click the 'Setting Name servers for a Domain Name Registered Elsewhere and Hosted Here' section. Find the two name servers that come under the dates you started your GoDaddy hosting service.
Visit the website where you have your domain hosted. Log in to your account.
Access the domain settings of the the domain address you want to point to your GoDaddy hosting. Change the name servers to those found in step 1. Save your settings.
VPS Hosting

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Make a Forum in Dreamweaver MX

Open the 'Start' menu, click 'All Programs,' then move to the 'Adobe' folder and click 'Dreamweaver MX.'
Click the 'Open' option in the 'File' menu, then select the website file you want to add a forum to. Click 'Open' after selecting the file.
Click the 'Tools' menu, move to the 'Wizards' option and click 'Forum Wizard.'
Click the forum option you want. The 'Single Section' option will create a one-section forum. Each section can contain more than one folder, or discussion area. The 'Multiple Sections' option allows you to create a forum with multiple sections, each with its own discussion areas. If you select 'Multiple Sections,' enter the number of sections in the 'Sections' field. Click 'Next' when you're finished.
Enter the names of the sections. If you selected a single section, enter the section name at the top. If you selected the multiple-sections option, enter the section names in the text fields provided. They will appear in the order you enter them. Click 'Next' when you're finished to enter the discussion area names.
Enter the name of at least one discussion area. Click 'Add' to add another discussion area. The discussion areas will appear in the order you enter them here. If you selected the multiple-sections option, click 'Next' to proceed to the next section. Each section will have its own screen to enter the discussion area names.
Click 'Next' after the final section configuration to see the summary screen. If the configuration is correct, click 'Publish' to export a file for use on your website, otherwise click 'Back' to change the names or order.
Click the file option you want to use. The options are: 'HTML,' 'HTML/CSS Style Sheet' and 'HTML/Java.' The first two options are compatible with all hosting providers. The 'HTML/CSS Style Sheet' will provide a nice appearance while being compatible with virtually all Web browsers.
Click 'Finish' to export the files. Upload the forum files according to your hosting provider's instructions.
VPS Hosting

How Do I Redirect a Domain Name in Bluehost? (6 Steps)

Login to your BlueHost Web hosting account. Go to its website, and click 'Control Panel Login' on the top right of the main site. Alternatively, you can login using the following URL: '" Once you login, the cPanel, also known as the 'Control Panel' displays.
Scroll down the cPanel. Find the section named 'Domains.' Click on 'Domain Manager.' This pulls up the 'Domain Manager' tab. Located on the top left is a panel called 'Shortcuts.'
Find 'Manage Domain Redirection' on the 'Shortcuts' panel and click on it. A new page appears, entitled 'Redirects.' Under 'Add Redirects,' provide the specific data for the redirect. Next to 'Type' is a drop-down box. The two options are 'Permanent' and 'Temporary.' Choose 'Permanent' if you have no plans to continue using the domain or subdomain that will be redirecting to another website. Choosing this will cause the website to be pulled from search engine indexes. This change is permanent. If you plan to use the pages on the website again, choose 'Temporary.' The search engines will continue to index the website when there are new updates.
Select the domain or subdomain name to which your plan on redirecting. It will be found in the drop-down menu next to 'http://(www.)?" If you are redirecting a subdirectory, type in the subdirectory name after the '/' slash. As an example, the subdirectory to be redirected: '" will appear in the text box as: 'http://(www.)?" In the above example, 'directory' is the subdirectory. Input this after the '/' slash.
Enter the website URL you will be redirecting too. Input this next to the 'Redirects To?'' field. Next to the option titled 'www.redirection,' select the option that is titled 'Redirect With or Without www.'
Click the 'Add' button. This establishes the redirect. Open a Web browser. Type in the domain or subdomain URL that directs to another website. This provides verification that it works.
VPS Hosting

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Create an HTML Input Box and Output to Another Page

Open the HTML source code page into which you desire to place the form containing a 'textarea' input box. In this example, you will be using 'sometext.html' as the HTML source page. The separate page with PHP code will be called 'displaysometext.php.' Both pages will be stored on the Web hosting server where your website is located.
Create the form section within the HTML source code, and tell the form that the data entered by the user will be submitted to the external PHP-enabled page. In the case of this example, the user data will be submitted to displaysometext.php. Enter the following line between the
and the
tags of the HTML page.Save the document to your computer as sometext.html and upload it to your Web hosting server.
Open a new page in your text editor and enter the following six lines of text.
Display Some Text PHP Script Page
Save the page as displaysometext.php
Enter the following lines between the '
' lines that tells PHP to accept the text from the input box of the origination page. Remember that the name of the submit operation was 'comment.' When the user submits the form, that label will be submitted as the identifier for the text the user entered. The lines to accept this information should appear as follows.if(isset($_POST['submit'])){
$usercomments = $_POST['comment'];'
Have your PHP script do something with the text the user entered. This can be something as simple as printing to the Web browser what the user entered on the original page. In this example, type the following three lines.echo 'The information you entered was as follows:';
echo $usercomments;
Save the 'displaysometext.php' page code to your computer, then upload it into the same directory of the Web hosting server that contains HTML page containing the input box.
Point your browser to the HTML page that accepts the user input. That page, in this example, would be 'sometext.html'. Enter some text into the input box, then click the 'Submit Comments' button below it. Note that the small PHP code snippet in the 'displaysometext.php' page processes and displays everything you entered on a new Web page.
VPS Hosting

How to Open an Online Store for Cheap

Find something to sell. If you are a crafter or have connections with suppliers, this part will be pretty easy. If not, there are sources online that will drop-ship products for you. That means that you get the orders through your website and collect payment, then you send payment to the company and they ship the products directly to your customer.
Design your website, or have someone else do it for you. See the Resources section below for some options for learning how to do it yourself. Some web hosts also offer website builders as part of their hosting packages, or you can buy software that will allow you to design a website with ease.
Sign up for an account with Mal's E-commerce if shopping cart software is not included with your web hosting. This free service allows ecommerce store owners to put a simple shopping cart on their sites. Orders can be viewed on the Mal's website.
Sign up for a business PayPal account. Processing payments through PayPal eliminates the need to qualify for an expensive merchant account to accept credit cards. Buyers can pay for purchases with a credit or debit card without signing up for a PayPal account, and they can also send e-checks if they do have an account. PayPal integrates nicely with Mal's E-commerce, and they have a free shopping cart of their own as well if you prefer to use it.
Optimize your site for the search engines. That means including lots of keyword-rich content. This can be accomplished with articles, descriptive category pages and detailed product descriptions.
VPS Hosting

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Convert WordPress to MediaWiki (8 Steps)

Go to your site's WordPress administration panel and sign into your account. For example, if your website's domain was ',' then the administration area is normally located at ''
Scroll down to the bottom left side of the administration dashboard, go to the 'Tools' section and click the 'Export' link.
Click the radio button for 'Posts' and click the 'Download Export File' button. WordPress creates a XML file that you can import to MediaWiki. It should automatically download to your computer wherever the browser normally saves downloaded files.
VPS Hosting

How To Configure FileZilla To Work with a Proxy Server

Open FileZilla, click on the 'Edit' menu and then click 'Settings.'
Click on the plus symbol next to the 'Connection' section in the left side of the window.
Click on the 'FTP Proxy Settings' section and enter the IP address, port, username and password of your proxy server.
Click 'OK' to apply the settings and exit the Settings window. All future connections through FileZilla will use the proxy server you designated until you change the settings and erase the proxy server information.
VPS Hosting

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Make My Own Web Server (7 Steps)

If you don't have a high-speed Internet connection, secure one with a local provider in your area.
Secure your own domain name. This will help people get to and from your files on the Internet. This will also give you a place to send and receive email. If you do not have a static web address (if you have cable or DSL connection, you probably will not have a static address) there are several places you can go to secure your domain. Check the resources section.
Get your router. Use a regular router, because wireless routers are not suggested for home server set-ups. Your router should have Ethernet jacks and should be capable of port forwarding in order to allow outside Internet traffic.
Set up your computer. Make sure that you have your standard computer items including a keyboard, mouse, and a 10/100 Ethernet Network Card. Make sure to have an uninterrupted power supply to keep your system safe in the event of a power outage.
To configure your web server, you should start system-config services. Make sure that httpd and mysqld are started and selected to start on boot, then save the service configuration.
Verify that your web server is working correctly by opening a browser and pointing it at http://localhost/ (which always points to the web server on your computer). You should see the test page for apache, the web server application.
Set up port forwarding as directed by your router. Make sure that all http services or port 80 traffic is sent to the IP address of your web server.
VPS Hosting

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Connect a CMS to a Website

Determine where the CMS will be connected on your website. If you have an existing website with content, you may want to connect the CMS to a URL other than the homepage of your website. On the other hand, if your website is new, you may want the CMS connected to the homepage.
Log in to your website hosting service. Activate the hosting control panel and navigate to the application installation section of the control panel.
Install a CMS. From the application installation section, select the CMS you'd like to install. Follow your website hosting service's instructions for installing and configuring the CMS. The website hosting service will likely create a database for your CMS to use and then install the CMS software. Write down any login or administrator information for the database and CMS that you enter during the installation process.
Add a test page or post. Access the administrator login page for your CMS. Add and publish a test page or post according to the instructions for your CMS. If you can't access the administrator page, you may need to reinstall the CMS.
Verify the CMS operation. Log out of the CMS administrator section. Visit your website as a visitor would and navigate to the location where the CMS is connected. Make sure your test page or post appears correctly and that the CMS is working. Make any necessary changes.
VPS Hosting

How to Build a Resume Website (6 Steps)

Make an outline of the different sections of your website. Planning the organizational structure of your resume website in advance will make it easier to create the navigation of your site. You will want to include an area for work experience, skills, education, and professional development. Depending on the type of job you're seeking, you may want to include a portfolio section to showcase samples of your work.
Create a template for your website. In this step, you will create the basic look and layout of your resume site. Choose a color theme appropriate for your industry. For example, if you are seeking an accounting position, you will want your resume site to look very professional. Choosing a very bright and bold color scheme may not convey the right image to potential employers.
Save your template and set editable regions. Your editable regions are the areas that will be different on each page of your resume site. The main content area should be editable, and your navigation should remain uneditable. If you need to change the navigation of your site to include an additonal area of expertise, for example, you will only need to change the template file and the change will affect every page of your website.
Create the other pages of your site based on the areas you identified in Step 1. Save each page with an applicable name, such as Work History for the page that includes a chronological history of your previous employment.
Add content to the various pages of your resume website. Use actionable words and phrases, and use keywords that will stand out to the potential employers that you're hoping to attract. You can include photos of yourself if you choose. If you have photos of yourself participating in volunteer work, it would be appropriate to include those within the area of your site that describes your volunteer involvement.
Publish your website to your hosting account using an FTP client, such as Core FTP. Core FTP is available as a free download, and is very simple to use.
VPS Hosting

How to Reset a cPanel Password

Log in to your web hosting account to access the cPanel.
In the cPanel interface, look for a section titled 'Preferences.'
Look for a text link or icon labeled 'Change Password.' Click it.
Type in your old password.
Type in your new password twice; or, have the password generator create a new password for you. Save your changes.
VPS Hosting

Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Make Money With a Web Server (7 Steps)

Get a computer for use as your server. Make sure that it has a fast processor (1.0 Ghz or faster), decent RAM (1GB or more) and a large hard drive (think 500GB or 1TB). You need to have room to host other people's files.
Follow instructions to set up your web server. It's outside the scope of this how-to, so you'll need to conduct your own research on how to get that done (see the Resources section).
Make sure your server always has power, so there's virtually no down time. Down time is something customers pay pretty close attention to when looking for a web hosting service.
Set up a website advertising your hosting service. Market different packages and options, based on what your web server is capable of supporting.
Use legal support to make sure that you are in compliance with local, state and federal business requirements.
Use legal support to clearly outline the terms and conditions of your web hosting. For instance, make sure your policies are clear regarding adult websites, music and file sharing.
Make money offering space on your server to others. Market your website to sell your hosting services, and you should be making money in no time.
VPS Hosting

How to Build a Fashion Website for Free (7 Steps)

Get a free web host. A web host is where your website and all of the files associated with the website are kept. There are a lot of free web hosts on the Internet. Choose the one that's right for you. Since you're making a fashion website, it's a good bet you will be uploading a lot of images. Images use space, so it's important to see how much space your free web host provides. If additional storage space is optional, it may be a good idea to spend a nominal fee to purchase it.
Design your website. Most free hosts provide the tools to accomplish this, including those for uploading the files and templates you can use to build your website. Other options include choosing custom colors and graphics. Think about the sections you'll have on your website. You're creating a fashion website, so come up with categories that fit. A section for fashion photography is a good idea. You might also want to include fashion-related articles and fashion industry news. Design your website so it's easy to navigate. Keep your categories to a minimum, and make sure they are clearly indicated by using a larger font.
Create a catchy name for your website that reflects what it's about. Use free graphics software to create a visually appealing logo. There are many websites on the Internet where you can download free software (see Resources below).
Upload plenty of fashion photography. Use free images from one of the many sources found on the Internet. If you use a copyrighted image, make sure to get permission first. You'll need graphics software to manipulate the graphics when necessary. Try to keep your images in easy-to-navigate thumbnail catalogs. Many web hosting services include the ability to create thumbnails in their publishing tools. If not, use graphics software that will automatically create thumbnail categories for you.
Update your website frequently. This is particularly important for a fashion website. The fashion industry changes almost daily. An out-of-date website will cause your visitors to go elsewhere.
Promote your website. Some web hosts provide search engine optimization for a nominal fee. You can do this yourself by visiting search engine home pages and manually submitting your link. Include a link to your website in every e-mail you send. Advertise your website on a MySpace page. Be sure to insert appropriate keywords. This can be done with the publishing tools provided by your free web hosting provider. Take every opportunity you can to get your website noticed.
Look for ways to make money with your website. Google will pay you a share of revenue for putting content-related ads on your website. If you get a lot of traffic, you can entice other companies to pay for ad space. Eventually, maybe you can earn enough money to justify getting your own domain name.
VPS Hosting